Anews Podcast 208 – 4.16.21

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on

Sound editing by Greg.

Conversation and commentary by chisel and Greg. Mixing it up!

Thanks to Ariel and friend for doing the totw conversation: inspiration

1. Warren Zevon – My Shit’s Fucked Up
2. Kim Wilde – Sweet Inspiration

Anews Podcast 207 – 4.3.21

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on

Sound editing by Greg.

What’s New written by chisel and Greg.

Thanks to Ariel and Loretta for doing the totw conversation: traditionnnn, tradition!

1. Nico – Janitor of Lunacy
2. Ahmad Jamal – Ahmad’s Blues

Anews Podcast 206 – 3.26.21

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on

Sound editing by Greg.

What’s New written by chisel and Greg.

Thanks to Lucho and Max for doing the totw conversation: embarrassments!

1. Alessandro Moreschi – Ideale
2. Madness – Embarrassment

Anews Podcast 205 – 3.19.21

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on

Sound editing by Greg.

What’s New written by chisel and Greg.

And there’s a brief U Mad, Bro? for those who care!

1. Ladytron – Seventeen
2. Vegan Reich – The Way it is

Anews Podcast 204 – 3.12.21

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on

Sound editing by Greg.

What’s New written by chisel and Greg.

And there’s a brief U Mad, Bro? for those who care!

Thanks to Ariel and friend for the TotW conversation: Anarcho-giving

1. Nina Simone – Feeling Good
2. Parliament – I’ve Been Watching You (Move Your Sexy Body)

Anews Podcast 203 – 3.5.21

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on

Sound editing by Greg.

What’s New written by chisel and Greg.

Thanks to bugs and octox for the TotW conversation: Why aren’t you having fun?

1. Maureen Elkner – Rak Off Normie
2. Spice Girls – If You Wanna Have Some Fun

Anews Podcast 202 – 2.26.21

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on

Sound editing by Greg.

What’s New written by chisel and Greg.

TotW with Ariel and so many thecollective peeps: on anarchism as a service.

1. Check it Out theme
2. Aaron Carter – My Internet Girl

Anews Podcast 201 – 2.19.21

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on

Sound editing by Greg.

What’s New written by chisel and Greg.

TotW with Ariel and Lucho on reflection.

1. Pink – Boring
2. The Sisters of Mercy – Lucretia My Reflection

Anews Podcast 200 – 2.12.21

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on

U Mad Bro? continues talking about the constructing anarchisms workshops: this time, being halfway done.

Sound editing by Greg.

What’s New written by chisel and Greg.

TotW with Lucio and Octox! on the @ word.

1. Fleetwood Mac – Dreams
2. John Wait – Change 
3. The Smiths – A Rush and a Push

Anews Podcast 199 – 1.29.21

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on

U Mad Bro? continues talking about the constructing anarchisms workshops: this time proudhon and collectives…

Sound editing by Greg.

What’s New written by chisel and Greg.