Anews Episode 72

Welcome to the Anews podcast. This is episode 72 for July 13, 2018. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the  previous week.

Weekly Assertion:

TOTW: Reverse Hierarchy

This podcast is the effort of many people. This episode was
* sound edited by Linn O’Mable
* what’s new this week written by jackie, narrated by chisel and a friend
* Thanks to Aragorn! and a friend for topic of the week discussion
* The music is 1) Untied States – Not Fences, Mere Masks 2) Eiffel 65 – Blue (Da Ba Dee) 3) Britney Spears – Lucky)
* Contact us at

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Introduction to anarchism:
Books and other anarchist material:
News and up to the minute commentary:

Anews Episode 71

Welcome to the Anews podcast. This is episode 71 for July 6, 2018. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.

Weekly Assertion: SUDS

TOTW: Borders

This podcast is the effort of many people. This episode was
* sound edited by Linn O’Mable
* Weekly Assertions by SUDS
* what’s new was written by Jackie, narrated by chisel and a friend
* Thanks to Aragorn! and Ariel for topic of the week discussion
* The music is

To learn more

Introduction to anarchism:
Books and other anarchist material:
News and up to the minute commentary:

Anews Episode 70 – July 1st 2018

Welcome to the Anews podcast. This is episode 70 for June 29, 2018. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.

Editorial by Rocinante

TOTW: Anarchists Work

This podcast is the effort of many people. This episode was
* sound edited by Linn O’Mable
* editorial  by Rocinante
* what’s new was written by Jackie, narrated by chisel and a friend
* Thanks to Aragorn! and  Shadowsmoke for topic of the week discussion
* The music is 1) Keith Mansfield – Sporting Highlights 2) Swans – Telepathy 3) Co La – Suffering (Tuesday) 4) Tinashe – Watch Me Work

To learn more

Introduction to anarchism:
Books and other anarchist material:
News and up to the minute commentary:


Anews Episode 69 – June 24th 2018

Welcome to the Anews podcast. This is episode 69 for June 22, 2018. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.

This podcast is the effort of many people. This episode was
* sound edited by Rocinante
* “The Praxis of Pragmatics, Part 3” by SUDS
* editorial “We don’t need architects to dismantle the master’s house” by notnull
* Thanks to Aragorn! and SUDS for topic of the week discussion
* The music is 1. Mula, “Mañana” 2. Talking Heads, “Burning Down the House” 3. Young Tender, “Si No Vas a Ser Tú” 4. Nujabes, “Feather (feat. Cise Starr & Akin from CYNE)
* Contact us at

To learn more
Introduction to anarchism:
Books and other anarchist material:
News and up to the minute commentary:

Anews Podcast – episode 68

Welcome to the anews podcast. This is episode 68 for June 15, 2018. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.

This podcast is the effort of many people. This episode was
* sound edited by Rocinante
* “The Praxis of Pragmatics, Part 2” by SUDS
* Guest editorial “Why Anarchists are not Architects” by Julian Langer
* Thanks to Aragorn! and rfa for topic of the week discussion
* and this week we added a short poem at the end by Triviabot
* The music is 1. The Spectacle, “Sleepwalking” 2. Screaming Females, “Wild” 3. Los Rakas, “Magia” 4. Wolves and the Radio, “Waves”
* Contact us at

To learn more
Introduction to anarchism:
Books and other anarchist material:
News and up to the minute commentary:

Anews Podcast – episode 67

Welcome to the Anews podcast. This is episode 67 for June 8th, 2018. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.

This podcast is the effort of many people. This episode was
* sound edited by Rocinante
* “What’s New” by SUDS
* Editorial: Feyerabend Is My Favorite Scientist – by notnull
* Thanks to Aragorn! and Wednesday for topic of the week discussion
* The music is 1. Tunacola, “Vámonos Al Parque” 2. Él Mató a un Policía Motorizado, “Las Luces” 3. Unlike Pluto (ft. Mike Taylor), “Everything Black”
* Contact us at

To learn more

Introduction to anarchism:
Books and other anarchist material:
News and up to the minute commentary:

Anews Podcast – episode 66

Welcome to the anews podcast. This is episode 66 for June 3rd, 2018. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.

Editorial by Julian Langer

TOTW: Something about criticism

This podcast is the effort of many people. This episode was
* sound edited by Linn O’mable
* written by jackie
* narrated by chisel and Dim
* Music! These New Puritans – Numerology (AKA Numbers), Time Hecker – Aerial Light-Pollution Orange, Drab Majesty – Not Just A Name
* Thanks to Aragorn! and Ariel for the topic of the week
* Contact us at

To learn more

Introduction to anarchism:
Books and other anarchist material:
News and up to the minute commentary:

Anews Podcast – episode 65

Welcome to the anews podcast. This is episode 65 for May 25, 2018. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.

Editorial by Rocinante: Cuba II

TOTW: The Mechanics of Conversation

This podcast is the effort of many people. This episode was
* sound edited by Dim
* written by jackie
* narrated by chisel and Dim
* the music is 1.  El Comandante by Porno Para Ricardo, 2. If I Knew You Were Comin’ I’d’ve Baked A Cake by Eileen Barton, 3. Space Orgy by Lungfish
*the editorial was written by Rocinante
* Thanks to Aragorn! and Ariel for  the topic of the week
* Contact us at

To learn more

Introduction to anarchism:
Books and other anarchist material:
News and up to the minute commentary:

Anews Podcast – episode 64

Welcome to the anews podcast. This is episode 64 for May 18, 2018. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.

Editorial by Chisel: Science is a relationship

TOTW: Clear Thinking

This podcast is the effort of many people. This episode was
* sound edited by linn o’mabel
* written by jackie
* narrated by chisel and a friend
* the music is 1 – Salva – Weird Science 2 – Tape – Dust and Light 3 – Cybotron – Clear
*the editorial was written by chisel
* Thanks to Aragorn! and Ariel for  the topic of the week
* Contact us at

To learn more

Introduction to anarchism:
Books and other anarchist material:
News and up to the minute commentary:

Anews Podcast – episode 63

Welcome to the anews podcast. This is episode 63 for May 11, 2018. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.

Editorial by NotNull: Any tool is a weapon if you use it right

TOTW: What are you listening to?

This podcast is the effort of many people. This episode was
* sound edited by linn o’mabel
* written by jackie
* narrated by chisel and a friend
* the music is  1) SOPHIE – Hard 2) Vermin Womb – Present Day 3) Childish Gambino – This Is America
*the editorial was written by notnull
* Thanks to Aragorn! and chisel for  the topic of the week
* Contact us at

To learn more

Introduction to anarchism:
Books and other anarchist material:
News and up to the minute commentary: